
Category: Smart organization

TRIZ’s innovative problem analysis and solving

TRIZ is an acronym for Teoriya Resheniya Izobreatatelskikh Zadatch in Russian, which is a method that enhances creative energy and expands innovative thinking, mainly by systematically using the wisdom of predecessors and disciplines to solve problems. It can systematically lead us to think outside the box and expand innovative thinking.

Through 40 innovation principles, we can simply discover, observe and analyze the application in life, and understand how to comprehensively use TRIZ tools to solve technical problems or shorten the innovation and research and development cycle by comprehensively using TRIZ tools to solve problems. Samsung, LG, Intel, Siemens, General Electric (GE) and others have all made great efforts to promote Ingenuity, and have obtained a large number of innovative products, patented inventions and financial benefits.

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Strategic thinking

The best investment in strategic combination, ability improvement, entrepreneurship and innovation!The strategic thinking course plan of Kongsteng uses the Business Model Canvas and other auxiliary tools to assist the organization to expand and layout the market, learn strategic planning methods and tools, the market changes rapidly, the organization pursues transformation, and forms a specific action plan. The high-level meeting provides the common language of the supervisors, and the communication is quick and focused, and the consensus is reached. Strategy & Execution closes the perception gap, communicates effectively and initiates action plans.

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Strategic Objectives Expanded

The focus of the development of strategic objectives is to connect the previous and the next, which is the process of forming specific action plans according to the strategic objectives after the enterprise outputs the strategic objectives. During the period, it is necessary for each department to continuously clarify the understanding of the strategic objectives and reach the final consensus, and ensure that each department does undertake the output of the action plan and complete the organizational strategic goals in the division of labor.

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A customized solution provider with strategic thinking

The core spirit of Kongsteng is “to create and enrich the value of others”, based on this belief, we have a comprehensive human resources solution, with a complete strategic thinking, and a customized model, to become a strategic partner of human resources partners. From the perspective of strategic thinking, we help enterprises successfully enter the transformation, whether it is second-generation succession, revenue growth, industrial transformation or internal start-ups, our rich experience and strong team are the best choice for your organizational transformation.

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2023 Konsteng Strategic Planning Consensus Camp Highlights |

As an expert in strategic planning, Kang Shiteng holds a strategic consensus camp every year to build consensus and produce strategic goals. With the rapid changes in the market and environment, the importance of the strategic planning course lies in planning and managing the next development steps of the organization, formulating a comprehensive layout according to the strategic goals, formulating action guidelines, and achieving the mission and vision with team consensus.

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Recruitment interviews

Recruitment interview is how managers recruit suitable candidates in the interview, construct a complete talent specification according to the current situation and needs of the organization, screen out suitable talents, and finally find out the talents who are truly suitable for the organization through the actual interview process.

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Strategic thinking

Through the application of strategic thinking tools, it is easy to build a common language. Visually present the business model diagram, and flexibly adjust and develop the business model in the face of changes. Quickly establish strategic consensus and improve the strategic thinking and planning execution ability of middle and senior executives of the enterprise.

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