
Coaching leadership

Anyone with experience in organizational leadership will agree that the “people” problem should be solved in order to solve the “problem”.

The humanistic coaching model believes that people’s beliefs affect people’s behavior, and people’s behavior affects people’s results.

People should develop in a balanced way in terms of knowledge, technology, mentality and belief in order to become outstanding talents.

However, when nurturing subordinates, can supervisors pay attention to both the inside and outside of their subordinates?

A complete person must be both internal and external, from the inside to the outside, harmonious and unified.

Therefore, the ability of the subordinates is the foundation, and the mentality is the key!

In the face of capable subordinates, how to give the stage and help them reach new heights?

In the face of subordinates whose motivation needs to be strengthened, how can they lead and reduce the interference that affects them?

How to figure out what the purpose of subordinates is through coaching leadership, and what kind of mentality do they have?

And how to motivate subordinates to adjust their mentality and find solutions and tools to solve problems by themselves?

Through “OPERA”, let the subordinates “choose” themselves to continue to pursue excellence on the road of growth!

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Leadership in Lingyue

Based on the theory of leadership biblical exemplary leadership, James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner have studied leadership topics for more than 20 years, and summarized the five major leadership behaviors that excellent leaders must have. To motivate action and motivate others, the curriculum design incorporates the Chinese Leadership Behavior Index (LBI) assessment, which allows us to understand the current situation of personal leadership, and then uses interaction and dialogue as the main axis of the course to induce the intrinsic value of leaders and translate leadership theories into concrete actions and practices.

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2022 Leadership Behavior and Practical Work from Psychology|Forum Highlights

Over the years, he has specialized in leadership education and training, and has strategically formed an alliance with the Taiwan Business Psychology Association (TAIOP) to develop a number of assessment tools. At the end of 2022, we co-hosted a leadership forum. From the theoretical and practical experience of the academic community, the leadership characteristics are cut into the shortening gap between learning and application, and the integration model of leadership theory and behavior is stimulated.

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2022 ATD Asia Pacific Annual Meeting Event Highlights |

With the advent of the digital wave, companies have introduced a large number of equipment and tools to accelerate the production and marketing operation process. After the digital wave recedes, when digital transformation becomes a daily life, people-oriented, human-based leadership is gradually revealing the importance of “keeping the same in the face of change”. Transformation is a journey, and what leaders need to do is to lead the organization to shape a culture of responsibility and lead humanity to a development mentality. In digital transformation, human leadership remains constant.

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